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We write regularly on various topics: technical research, extension releases, developer events, opinions, community news
Additional GraphQL endpoints for Magento 2

Additional GraphQL endpoints for Magento 2

March 21, 2020

I'm a fan of Magento 2.3 its new GraphQL layer. However, I often hear that people are still waiting for things to be completed. Perhaps I'm not seeing those problems that they are facing, but to me, creating and extending GraphQL is easy and doable. To demonstrate this, here's a little simple Yireo_AdditionalEndpointsGraphQl module to get you going.

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Reacticon at the zoo!

Reacticon at the zoo!

March 14, 2020

Finally, the big word is out: Reacticon v3 will take place at the zoo. To be more specific, the Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, The Netherlands. Even while you might be postponing attending any conference for this moment, do make sure to write this down in your calendar. Because Reacticon is not to be missed. And the beautiful venue only stresses this.

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Vue Storefront drops support for Magento?

Vue Storefront drops support for Magento?

March 9, 2020

Ok, this is fake news. Vue Storefront does not drop support for Magento, despite what people thought they were hearing after watching a video Ecosystem of Vue Storefront Products that VSF published recently. It is maybe a difficult story that the Vue Storefront were trying to tell (not sell), so let me have another try by rephrasing a couple things.

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Remove the version from composer.json of Magento modules?

Remove the version from composer.json of Magento modules?

March 2, 2020

It is a long title for a blog post, but it has been popping up so repeatedly that I felt I needed to dedicate a blog on it: Getting contributions is great and I have been receiving a lot of contributions lately that allow for the version in composer.json files of my Magento modules to be removed. And that has a smell to it. Let's analyse this.

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A Magento Master at VueJS Amsterdam

A Magento Master at VueJS Amsterdam

February 27, 2020

There I found myself in the midst of young eager Vue programmers, excited and nervous to meet their god Evan You, creator of VueJS. And I was thinking how cool the Vue community was. And I was wondering what would change for me in 2020.

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Yireo goes Vue Storefront

Yireo goes Vue Storefront

November 24, 2019

It was a busy month, this November. Yireo has started with Vue Storefront. This resulted in a lot of studying, some trial-and-error playing, reading, writing, fighting against self-imposed deadlines - not just in November, but actually starting from the early summer. And we made it: Yireo is now officially offering Vue Storefront training. And we helped the first developers with our training, which appeared to be a success.

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Vue Storefront theme inheritance

Vue Storefront theme inheritance

November 19, 2019

I'm slowly diving into the world of Vue Storefront - having given quite a few developer trainings on the topic already and also preparing myself for a few projects (and extensions). One of the key things that people still find lacking is theme inheritance - the ability to extend a child theme from a parent theme. And while one of the VSF core developers hinted that extending the Webpack configuration with a plugin like NormalModuleReplacementPlugin should be possible, nobody seemed to come up with the solution yet. So here it is: Theme inheritance for Vue Storefront.

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Reacticon 3 is coming

Reacticon 3 is coming

November 16, 2019

The news was already out there and few started to ask even when ticket sales would start. But first, the official news statement: Reacticon 3 is coming. Now, wait in anticipation.

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Magento conundrum: Vue or React?

Magento conundrum: Vue or React?

October 29, 2019

One question that I get asked a lot is: Vue or React? Now that the Magento community quickly finds out that you no longer need to be frustrating yourself with the old frontend, thanks to the arrival of new frontends written in either Vue or React, the question becomes more and more important. There is no easy answer though.

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