
January 8, 2024

A new video course on Hyvä Checkout development ... in Early Bird

Yireo Blog Post

For the last months, I have been working hard to create a new course. And now the main portion of the work is done, ready to share with you: A video course on Hyvä Checkout to help Magento developers to concur this cool new checkout fast. And it is currently in Early Bird stage.

The work

My earlier Hyvä Themes development course is already quite popular (more than 10 hours of videos explaining how to do Hyvä theming properly) and once the Hyvä Checkout came out (or actually, once I learned that Magewire is behind it) I started to dive into it. After months of experimenting myself with it, running through numerous scenarios, seeing the benefits and the caveats, I started to train various Dutch agencies upon the topic. And after those trial-runs, recording was started.

Currently, the videos count up to 8 hours of material, but I plan to do even more. At least the current video course is already a huge benefit if you want to get started with Hyvä Checkout, so the course is now released already. Including an Early Bird access (which is explained below).

Quick summary of Hyvä Checkout

If you are a Magento developer (backend or frontend) you must have been asked to modify things in the Luma checkout (the original Magento 2 checkout based on KnockoutJS, RequireJS, jQuery and a hell of a lot more JavaScript). And the overall experience that most developers get is that the Luma checkout is horrible. It is bad in performance, hard to modify, it quickly gives downtime, etc. Since the release of Magento 2, people have been searching for alternate checkouts.

And now - after the success of Hyvä Themes - the Hyvä people have brought us this solution: The Hyvä Checkout. It is a paid solution, true. But if you invest into it, your development hours will drop tremendously. How come? Well, first of all, the Hyvä Checkout is partially based upon the same technology as Hyvä Themes - Tailwind and Alpine - which simply get the job done faster.

And Magewire

On top of it, Magewire is used to automate all AJAX calls. And if you know that a checkout (with its state being stored on the Magento side, not client-side) requires a lot of AJAX, this boosts productivity. On top of it, common scenarios like adding new fields just work a lot simpler.

This is where I personally became even more a fan of Magewire than Hyvä Checkout. With Magewire, you can not only fix the checkout. You can also build various other scenarios much much quicker: A product finder, product configurators, customer pages. And I'm even working on implementing Magewire in the Magento Admin Panel. How cool! Magewire is part of my Hyvä Checkout course too, making sure that you first grasp Magewire properly, before trying to explain the more advanced topics in the Hyvä Checkout.

Some benefits of the Hyvä Checkout ... and some caveats

Back the Hyvä Checkout: It has many benefits. First of all, the Hyvä Checkout boosts performance (compared to the Luma Checkout). Second, it makes it for a (backend) developer a lot easier to apply certain logic. For instance, adding a new field boils down to creating a new EAV field and you're done - no further configuration required. However, the devil is in the details: Adding an extension attribute proofs to be more work (as is normally the case with extension attributes).

Another example: Adding field validation can be done with a Magewire-based validation. But because the field values do not submit constantly to the Magewire backend, this validation is not always in real-time. So what lots of people do is use Alpine validation instead. But what if the Magewire validation and the Alpine validation start conflicting. It's exactly these more specific scenarios that keep developers busy for days. And that's where my course comes in.

A Yireo course: More than just the docs

The video course I've been creating is not just the basics. Everyone is able to go through the docs. My training material already has some added value there, of course, with practical examples where the docs might fall a bit short. But more specifically, I've tried my best to work through most real-life scenarios and customizations, coming up with not just a proof-of-concept or even a working example. No, instead, the course strives to kickstart a debate on which approach is better, trying to introduce best practices in an sub-ecosystem (the one of Hyvä Checkout) where practices, let alone best practices, are still scarce.

Early Bird access until end of February 2024

Recording is not done yet. I'm at 8 hours, but currently I have ideas for another 4 hours. And perhaps if I do more live-coding examples in there, I simply will not stop recording anymore. But it might be that some of the topics that you are looking for, are simply not picked up by me yet and/or not on my mind yet. This is where the Early Bird comes in - a deal that lasts until the end of February.

Sometimes, Early Bird simply refers to a thing that is being sold for a low price to create a sense of urgency. That's not what this is about. The price will remain the same.

Tell me what to record

However, because I'm still in the process of finishing off this course, the Early Bird access allows you to tell me what should still be recorded. Some agencies in The Netherlands have already jumped upon this, telling me to record some lessons on scenarios they required in their own custom project. They could have developed it themselves - now, I developed a proof-of-concept for free.

Of course, there is a little disclaimer: I will not be able to jump into any scenario that is being thrown at me - it needs to be in the area of the Hyvä Checkout and it needs to be doable. But I'm very happy to discuss any scenario - to help you build your projects and to help me put down a course that is worth every penny to everyone.

Learn more about my new course

Posted on January 8, 2024

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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