We are happy to announce a full-blown Vue Storefront 1 training, delivered on-demand, whenever you prefer. It is more than just a video-course. Let me explain why.
My commitment on Vue Storefront
First of all, let me tell you about my / our commitment to Vue and Vue Storefront. Lately, with the attention for Magento PWA Studio and Hyvä Themes, it seems that Vue Storefront is no longer a preferred solution. However, from my perspective, Vue Storefront is booming. It is just that it is not the magic bullet for any Magento developer.
My guess is that most developers that favor Magento over some other e-commerce systems, will dislike Vue Storefront at their first project(s). This, while Vue developers that know their stuff on NuxtJS, will dislike Magento. Hence, let's not debate here too much and let's just settle for the fact that opinions differ.
And I'm personally technology-agnostic: I like Vue Storefront, I like PWA Studio, I like Hyvä - I'm working with all and I like them all.
Vue Storefront 1 is modern
Even better, while Vue Storefront Next is on the horizon, Vue Storefront 1 is modern too: True, it is based on Vue 2 (not Vue 3) but for e-commerce performance that's not a huge difference. It ships with Capybara and Storefront UI, which makes the theming layer compatible with Vue Storefront Next. You can add the Composition API to it. And it is fully extensible through theming inheritance, specific extendable functions and Webpack tricks.
Which is why you should learn about it
Back to the original reason of this post: The fact that Vue Storefront is in demand caused me to go the extra mile and deliver this new training for Vue Storefront 1. It covers 9.5 hours of video material, including many of the more in-depth tricks (like the Webpack tricks and the Composition API mentioned above).
And it is available whenever you have time for it: Simply sign up for the training, login to the Yireo Courseware portal and watch the videos.
More than a video course
But it is more than just videos. The entire course is chopped into chapters, each chapter consists out of lessons and each lesson has its own set of slides, plus a video. Plus text. A lot of text. For those, that are video-oriented, the video is maybe just fine. But the additional student notes allow you to look back at the code discussed, plus there are numerous additional tips and tricks added to the text as well.
In total, the student notes cover a wealth of topics: Exported to a PDF, the slides plus student notes cover 312 pages - the size of a normal book. Beat that.
And there is more on the roadmap. The intention is to update the materials of the Vue Storefront 1 On Demand training as things progress. The courseware portal will be improved soon, with nice little things like an export of all pages to Epub format, downloads, bookmarking, comments and much more. This is just the beginning.
Also, other topics are on the roadmap as well: Magento PWA Studio, Hyvä Themes, regular Magento frontend and backend development. It requires some time, but 2021 will mark the release of all of these topics. So stay tuned if you want to learn big time ;) And let me know what you think.
Nuff said? Want to get started right away? Head over to our training page, order the On-Demand package and you'll have instant access to this great training material.
About the author

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.