
March 14, 2020

Reacticon at the zoo!

Yireo Blog Post

Finally, the big word is out: Reacticon v3 will take place at the zoo. To be more specific, the Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, The Netherlands. Even while you might be postponing attending any conference for this moment, do make sure to write this down in your calendar. Because Reacticon is not to be missed. And the beautiful venue only stresses this.

The Burgers Zoo

The Burgers Zoo is a known name in The Netherlands. It is one of the more famous zoos, standing out because of its natural habitats for all of the animals. This means that there is an habitat for butterflies, there is a savanna, a monkey garden, an aquarium. And in the midst all of that, there will be a large gathering of frontend developers early June.

The venue allows us to scale up big time: Instead of squeezing Reacticon in a single day, the popularity of PWA made us make the decision to organize two conference days in total (June 10th and June 11th 2020), while the two days before there will be a Magento PWA Studio workshop, a Vue Storefront workshop, a Magento Contribution Day and possibly other events as well.

You will be in for a treat ...

What about Corona?

You will be in for a treat ... if Reacticon is still taking place. At the time of writing, everybody is talking about it and multiple conferences (including Adobe Summit / Magento Imagine) have been canceled because of it: The Corona virus is spreading across Europe and it might very well be that lockdowns of specific areas, cities or even entire countries.

Nonetheless, we are still hoping for Reacticon to take place and working hard to make this happen: Reacticon will definitely not be canceled, but if the situation is requiring us to do so, we might postpone the event with weeks or even months to be on the safe side. We will keep everybody up-to-date on our progress here.

The event is still 3 months away, there is still a fair chance that it will be safe to travel by that time. Rest assured, we are working as hard as we can to make this great event happen anyway. Mid-May is our ultimate deadline for making the final decision, so will definitely hear something on the Corona / Reacticon issue by then.

In the case of cancelation, any tickets will be refunded or transferred to the next Reacticon date, demanding on your own wish. In short, it is safe to book tickets now :)

Back to the zoo

Back to the venue: It is awesome to have such a great venue, which not only offers an amazing experience for all talks, but also offers plenty of opportunity to debate, chat, discuss and walk around in the zoo.

Do make sure to keep your agenda open because it would be a real shame if you would be missing out. We are ready to make this third Reacticon the best conference ever!

Posted on March 14, 2020

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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