
February 2, 2019

Progress on MageTestFest

Yireo Blog Post

MageTestFest is getting closer by the week: It is now less than 5 weeks away and things are progressing quickly now: The demand for workshop tickets is huge. The number of attendees for the main conference day plus hackathon day is growing by the day. Here's a small recap of the progress.

Presence of Magento

Not like any conference, we will have a great presence of Magento peeps. The reason is simple: We demand better quality of code both from Magento itself and from extension providers. And the proven way to deliver this is testing. Testing has already become a huge topic for Magento itself, but its importance is growing with the shift towards microservices, a more mature extension ecosystem and the enrichment by Adobe.

Magento Director of Architecture Anton Kril will join us and so will Head of Community Engineering Max Yekaterynenko. Under the hood of Community Engineering, there are numerous teams now, working on great projects. And of these teams, the MFTF team and the Marketplace team will also be present at MageTestFest. It is an opportunity to work intensely together as a community.

Great sponsors so far

The event is still open for sponsorships, but so far, we are already stunned by the lineup of sponsors so far: First of all, we are really proud that Blackfire is a Golden Sponsor of this unique event. With performance testing becoming more and more important, they could not miss out.

On top of this, we have great sponsors like ShipperHQ and Magento itself. And we have a byte-long group (ehm, that's 8) of Support Sponsors and Community Sponsors. Thank you all for making MageTestFest possible!

After-party included in ticket price

Partially thanks to our sponsors, but also thanks to the fact that we struck a golden deal, we are happy to announce that there will be an after-party on the evening of the main conference day (March 7th). And it is in a unique setting: The lounge area of Hostel Tasso offers a great relaxed vibe, good for chatting, perhaps someone plays on the piano. This will an after-party, well suited to a bunch of nerds that need some relaxing time after a day of concentration!

Even better news, the party itself will be included in the price of the main conference day: No need to get an additional ticket.

Get your ticket now!

What is coming up next? Well, the speakers have been published already, but the program itself is just moments away from publishing. We expect the workshop tickets to close in a week or so, because the rooms don't allow for more people. But the sales for the event itself will keep on going, and so will the tickets for the hackathon. The hackathon day will actually introduce some concepts that will give everyone something to grow with - I'll blog specifically about the hackathon soon.

Only one thing to say: Are you a Magento developer? Then this event is for you: Head over to MageTestFest to check your options. Because this unique event is not to be missed!

Posted on February 2, 2019

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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