We are proud to announce that Deity and Yireo are going to work closer and closer together. Deity is a new player in the Magento game, offering a PWA stack to Magento developers to easily build a PWA. Let's see what is playing.

Meet Deity

Deity is founded by the Polish developer agency Hatimeria. However, you could say that nowadays Deity is a brand and company on its own, with offices in Poland and The Netherlands, and partners across the globe.

They offer a PWA platform. For those of you that are not familiar with PWA yet, I wrote a blog Is PWA really the next thing? on this a couple of weeks ago. Magento has put PWA on its agenda as well (official devblog) which is a sign that PWA is going to be future.

Trusted PWA stack

What makes Deity stand out is that their PWA stack resembles the PWA Studio stack (allegedly): React, Redux, JSX and much more. Theoretically, this could mean that custom React components could work for both Magento native and Deity.

The Deity platform is much more than Magento though: It creates an intermediate layer where clients (mainly the browser) and servers (Magento) are connected. It's a bit like X-Commerce but now in a working environment (lol). The cool part here is that other applications can be connected as well (payment gateways, a CMS, custom JSON feeds) without Magento being in the way. This is why many believe that Deity has a bright future ahead of itself.


The fact that Deity has a working solution definitely speaks for itself: Their demo is slick and fast and shows what could be done: demo.deity.io. And it is not just a demo in a perfect world. Any Deity shop will have a comparable speed - simply because the architecture comes with such a performance. It shows the potential of PWA in general and Deity specifically.

Reacticon sponsorship

In a few weeks time - on March 16th and 17th - we are putting together a nice little Magento developer conference on PWA: Reacticon and we are happy to have Deity there as one of the main sponsors.

ReactJS and Deity trainings

Besides this, we are also happy to announce that Yireo is shifting towards ReactJS trainings as well, with a first training scheduled in May: yireo.com/training/events (our education pages will get a huge facelift soon to better reflect the new strategy). We also have added a JavaScript Advanced training to our portfolio to help PHP developers embrace things like ES6 syntax, NPM hells, promises and JS design patterns.

Additionally, we will work together with Deity to educate Magento developers in working with their new platform, modifying components, developing new shops and much more. This is still under heavy development but we will definitely be back with more news on this.

Posted on February 25, 2018

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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