We are proud to announce you that MageTestFest is officially on. The date is set on November 17th 2017, the site is live and we are proud to announce our first speaker: Vinai Kopp.

One single event for developers ...

First of all, what is MageTestFest? For those of you who watched Yireo in the last years, we have cranked up our activities a lot: Usergroups, hackathons, twice a Magento 2 Seminar. While many times this was for merchants, developers, technies and non-techies together, we have found that our heart lies with the passion for technology. So we wanted to organize an event for developers only: MageTestFest.

MageTestFest is more than a single-day conference. It will start with two days of workshops, followed by the main event on November 17th 2017 (including a great after-party), and a hackathon (Magento Contribution Day) on the 18th. Four days of great fun and technology. With one single focus:

... on testing

The main concept of MageTestFest is that it does not try to mix a lot of dev topics in a multi-track event. Instead, it focuses one single topic and it tries to be the best at it. The topic is software testing and this involves unit testing, integration testing, TDD, BDD, DDD, PHPUnit, Behat, Codeception and a lot more.

Because the topic is already so vast, it deserves a dedicated event. Even more important, testing has become vital for so many developers, and Magento 2 invites us (perhaps forces us) to take testing seriously. MageTestFest comes to the rescue: It will explain some basics of testing quickly to new comers, but moreover it will dive into depth in modern day practices, guru advices and coolified topics on testing.

Introducing Vinai Kopp

We are proud to announce our first speaker: Vinai Kopp. To many in the Magento community, Vinai is a familiar face. He was one of the first Magento U trainers, author of Grokking Magento and loves to talk about TDD (Test Driven Development), which was the main reason for us to ask him if he would join us in this MageTestFest adventure. This event also targets the passion of Vinai - testing - so he could not say no. We are extremely happy to have him on board and we are sure that his keynote during MageTestFest will make you excited as well.

Ticket sales is open

Ticket sales is open: We have no location yet, but MageTestFest will take place somewhere in the center of The Netherlands, easy to reach for both national and international developers. There will be 5 speakers in total, one of which is Vinai, the other 4 speakers will be announced in the upcoming weeks. Unfortunately, because we still want to make some noise on those speakers, it's a bit too early to say anything about the workshops, except for that they will be worth the investment.


Posted on May 18, 2017

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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We schrijven niet te commerciële dingen, we richten ons op de technologie (waar we dol op zijn) en we komen regelmatig met innovatieve oplossingen. Via onze nieuwsbrief kun je op de hoogte blijven van al deze coolness. Inschrijven kost maar een paar seconden.