We have already mentioned it via various media, but here it is also in our blog: This October, our Joomla Development Crash Course is being held in The Netherlands and the UK. Here is a brief peak at this training.

Learning Joomla development

Joomla is a great open source product, and while many users simply use it because it is a user-friendly and flexible CMS, it might also be forgotten that open source is actually all about development: Joomla offers an API that allows users to also easily write their own extensions (components, modules, plugins), provided they know a bit of PHP.

Because Joomla development can be overwhelming at first, Yireo has started a training which helps people advance with PHP coding in Joomla. The course is not about learning PHP and it is also not about creating templates. It rather sums up the logic of MVC components and modules, the event system of plugins, the structure of the Joomla libraries, plus numerous things to know when working with Joomla classes.

Focus on object-oriented programming

We have found that many people who start with Joomla programming, are struggling with the object-oriented aspect and have trouble understanding concepts like interfaces, abstract classes, daisy chaining, static versus $this calls, etcetera. Because of this, the first half of the training focuses on understanding OOP within the boundaries of Joomla.

For instance, it deals with the various parent-classes a MVC component can use - JModel versus JModelLegacy and why the hell this code has changed so much. Also, namespaces are discussed - now part of the Joomla Framework but expected to be integrated into the CMS more and more.

One day filled with many many topics

The second half of the training is filled with many other topics: Modules, plugins, libraries. Thin controllers and fat models. Single task controllers, multi-task controllers. JHtml classes. The list goes actually on and on, and most likely it is too much to reasonbly cover in one day. That's why it is called a crash course.

Instead of wasting time with lab exercises (which you can do at home) or specific scenarios (which you can present to us later), the training focus on knowledge transfer. We guarantee that we will learn you various things about Joomla development, with a speed that makes you crash to bed after the training.


Are you interested in boosting your Joomla coding skills? If you are a beginning developer, this is definitely for you. If you have been coding templates for years but want to upgrade your knowledge, this is for you as well. If you have been hacking Joomla extensions for over 10 years, but have been struggling with building a MVC component properly, again this is for you. We would love to share our knowledge with you!

Posted on September 27, 2015

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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