Next weekend - March 15th and 16th 2014 - the Joomla!Day Boston takes place ... in Boston. And Yireo is happy to sponsor this event. So what's up in Massachusetts?
What's up in Boston?
In previous years there were separate JoomlaDays being held for Boston and New England (for the non-US crowd: just above Boston). This years there's a change: The two events are now combined in a single event, allowing for more fun and more learning. The event will be held in the Microsoft NERD Center in Cambridge (Boston area). Apparently, NERD is an abbreviation of something, but for us the term nerd says enough.
The event will be packed with numerous cool presentations on subjects like extension development, Joomla! marketing and design tips. Joomla! 3.3 (the next upcoming Joomla! release) will be discussed, as well as exciting technologies like LESS. There's certainly going to be something interesting for everyone.
Meet up with Yireo
We are excited to sponsor an event like this JoomlaDay. Having been in Boston last year during the Joomla! World Conference 2013, we are convinced this event will be a success as well. We are not going to attend ourselves this time though. If you want to meetup with us, you'll have to come to Europe :) Why is Yireo then sponsoring this event? Well, we are just happy campers.
About the author

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.