December 21st 2012 - a new dawn, according to some. There is a whole lot to happen on Friday: Planetary alignments, world enlightenment or perhaps just some common sense while we're all together as a whole. Yireo tries to embrace this moment by offering you all a nice discout of 40% - let's go into the new age together!

Get your 40% discount

To celebrate the new age, Yireo offers a 40% discount on all commercial extensions that we offer. This tremenduous discount-offer runs from Friday 21st of December 2012 until New Year's Eve (31st of December 2012). Make sure you're not too late: 40% discount is an offer that you should not resist.

To give you an impression of what you can get a discount for, here's a selection of our extensions:

  • GoogleTranslate and BingTranslate for Joomla! - great extensions that add computer translations to your Joomla! backend. This allows you to make translations and correct them if needed, without slowing down your frontend performance. Magento extensions with similar functionality are also available: GoogleTranslate for Magento and BingTranslate for Magento.
  • TrashCan - an extension that adds a recycle bin to your Magento store: Nothing can be more frustrating than deleting a product by accident, and not having the ability to restore it. This extension solves all your problems.
  • Dynamic404 - this Joomla! extension allows you to replace ugly and unwanted 404 Not Found errors with 301 redirects to the proper new location. Don't frustrate your users with errors that say nothing - help them find the right content right away. A real SEO-winner!
  • And of course, all our MageBridge extensions are on sale as well!

More extensions are available on our extensions-page.

A new age for Yireo

A discount is one thing, but a commitment to take new approaches is another. Yireo will embrace the new age by focussing on the following key-elements:

  • Sharing more extension-sources through a custom Yireo Git-server or GitHub
  • Continue work on Joomla! extensions and Magento extensions
  • Add even more tutorials on Joomla! and Magento in our online documentation-section
  • Sponsor more events worldwide

And of course, we hope to meetup with more and more great people during great events like JAndBeyond, Magento Developers Paradise, Joomla! World Conference, MeetMagento days, Joomla!Days and many more events. See you in 2013!

Posted on December 18, 2012

About the author

Author Jisse Reitsma

Jisse Reitsma is the founder of Yireo, extension developer, developer trainer and 3x Magento Master. His passion is for technology and open source. And he loves talking as well.

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We schrijven niet te commerciële dingen, we richten ons op de technologie (waar we dol op zijn) en we komen regelmatig met innovatieve oplossingen. Via onze nieuwsbrief kun je op de hoogte blijven van al deze coolness. Inschrijven kost maar een paar seconden.

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We schrijven niet te commerciële dingen, we richten ons op de technologie (waar we dol op zijn) en we komen regelmatig met innovatieve oplossingen. Via onze nieuwsbrief kun je op de hoogte blijven van al deze coolness. Inschrijven kost maar een paar seconden.