
The Methodology of Yireo

Explaining things properly is our thing

Everyone learns differently: Auditory, visually, self-study, doing it. We believe in a personal approach, so that everyone is able to grow as efficient as possible.

Our training models

On-Demand Videos

We offer numerous online video tutorials, plus assignments plus additional notes, via our Yireo Courseware Portal

Classroom training

Via academies, bootcamps and single-day courses, we help out groups of people with a teacher-led course, either on-site or online

Teacher support

Additional guidance via email & slack, whenever you need help or have uncertainties

Blended Learning

Merging live trainings with On-Demand online courses: Yireo Blended Learning gives you the combination for modern-day learning. You'll study things at your own pace. However, whenever you feel you're stuck, you can fallback to the teachers with questions or request clearifications.